Managing Depresssion

Counseling Services

Tips for Managing Depression

Opposite Action

Do the exact opposite of what you feel like when depressed. If you feel like staying in bed all day, get up and get dressed. If you don’t feel like eating, make yourself a meal. These are things you can do at home.

Make Plans

Plan with a friend to meet for coffee in the morning. If you commit to a project involving another person, you are more likely to stick to it. Making plans in the morning can also help you get out of bed.


Make a list of a few activities you used to enjoy (it’s okay if you don’t like doing them now). When you are feeling depressed, engage in one of those activities. Watch a movie, craft, rearrange furniture, read, play video games, bake, etc. It’s okay to feel depressed while you do things; distracting yourself can make complicated feelings more tolerable and provide relief.

Be Gracious with Yourself

This is a challenging time, especially if you are experiencing depression. It may be too difficult to function as you used to – and that's okay.

Reach Out

Let a trusted person know when you are feeling depressed. Remember that there are people in your life who can help. You can always call the 24/7 counseling line to speak with someone immediately or email MCPHS Counseling Services to set up an appointment.