Boston Student Organizations
During your time at MCPHS, you will discover what you are passionate about – and you will find that there are limitless opportunities to bring that passion to life. Join a cultural club, make networking connections through one of our professional organizations, or join your fellow students and faculty during volunteer opportunities in our backyard.
Student Leadership
Many students learn to build their leadership skills at MCPHS by participating in leadership opportunities. Below are a few that are a great way to get involved.
- Assembly of Clubs and Professional Organizations
- Campus Activities Board
- Orientation Leader Team
- Student Government Association
Student Clubs
With more than 80 student-led organizations and clubs on our Boston campus, there is a world of opportunity outside the classroom. Below you will find all of the active clubs and professional organizations, along with their contact information.
Name | Acronym | |
Assembly of Clubs and Professional Organizations | ACPO | |
Campus Activities Board | CAB | |
Intercultural Student Advocates | ISA | |
Student Government Association | SGA | |
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy | AMCP | |
Alchemy Literary Magazine | ALM | |
Alpha Zeta Omega | AZO | |
American College of Clinical Pharmacy | ACCP | |
American Pharmacist Assoc. Academy of Student Pharmacists | APHA | |
American Red Cross Club | ARCC | |
American Sign Language Club | ASL | |
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) | ASCP | |
American Society of Health System Pharmacists | ASHP | |
Armenian Student Organization | ASO | |
Asian Student Association | ASA | |
Black Student Union | BSU | |
CanEHdian Student Organization | CSO | |
Chinese Students and Scholars Association | CSSA | |
College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacy | CPNP | |
Colleges Against Cancer | CAC | |
Coptic Orthodox Student Fellowship | COSF | |
Drug Information Association | DIA | |
Dynamix | DYNAMIX | |
Faculty and Student Community Outreach | FASCO | |
First Flight Association | FFA | |
Future Business Leaders of America | FBLA | |
Gender and Sexuality Alliance | GASA | |
Global Medical Endeavors | GME | |
Graduate Student Association | GSA | |
Health, Exercise, Positive Attitude, Relaxation, and Thoughtfulness Club | HEART | |
Hematology/Oncology Club | HOC | |
HerbalRx | HerbRx | |
Hispanic-Latino Association | HLU | |
Indian Student Organization | ISO | |
Industry Pharmacists Organization | IPhO | |
Intercultural Student Advocates | ISA | |
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research | ISPOR | |
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering | ISPE | |
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship | IVCF | |
Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association | KSEA | |
Korean Students Organization | KSA | |
Lambda Kappa Sigma | LKS | |
MCP Martial Arts | MMA | |
MCPHS Brothers Union | MBU | |
Medical Science Liaison Society | MSLS | |
Middle Eastern & North African Arabs Association | MENAAA | |
Muslim Student Association | MSA | |
National Community Oncology Dispensing Association | NCODA | |
National Community Pharmacists Association | NCPA | |
National Organization for Rare Disorders | NORD | |
Pharmacy Council | PHARMCO | |
Phi Delta Chi | PDC | |
Phi Kappa Phi | PKP | |
Phi Lambda Sigma | PLS | |
Philosophy Society | PHILSOC | |
Physician Assistant Student Society | PASS | |
Pre-Dental Club | PDC | |
Premedical Society | PREMEDS | |
Pre-Optometry Professional Society | POPS | |
Pre-PA Association | PPAA | |
Public Health Student Association | PHSA | |
Rho Chi | RHOCHI | |
Running Club Organization | RCO | |
Student American Dental Hygienists' Association | SADHA | |
Student Association of Specialty Pharmacy | SASP | |
Student National Pharmaceutical Association | SNPhA | |
TEDx Club (TEDX) | TEDX | |
The Music Society | MuSoc | |
Third Eye Scope | TES | |
Veterinary Rx | VetRx | |
Vietnamese Student Association | VSA | |
WeHope | WeHope | |
Women in Medicine | WIM | |
Women of Color in Healthcare | WCH |