The answers are as individual as the members of our community, but we’ve pulled together a mix of voices and data to give you an authentic sense of what we have to offer.

Create a healthier, more equitable world.

Established in 1823, MCPHS is the oldest institution of higher education in Boston, a city that is home to many of the world’s top universities. We are one of the largest and most highly-ranked schools for health and life sciences, and our alumni and faculty continually distinguish themselves in healthcare settings around the globe.

Comprehensive. Collaborative. Immersive.

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in more than two dozen health-science fields

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MCPHS Centers & Clinics

for hands-on experience with real patients

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served by our Family Nurse Practitioner students in a single year

Values-driven. Outcome oriented.


Median Salary

MCPHS is ranked #2 in New England and #6 in the nation for median salary, ahead of other premier institutions.

Aa2 Moody’s


Moody’s financial credit rating gave MCPHS top marks for financial strength and stability

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Student-centric. Teaching focused.


Most transformative

Money magazine ranked MCPHS fourth among 700+ U.S. universities based on metrics such as graduation rates and earnings (2020)

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Student-to-faculty ratio

with 90% of our full-time faculty members holding terminal degrees


of MCPHS students

are guided by a team of faculty and peer mentors and academic coaches

A Storied Institution

Our founders set out to improve the quality of medicines for the public 200 years ago. We have always nurtured visionaries. Today, Community members continue to identify healthcare needs and gaps—and mobilize to fill them.
Female in scrubs and a mask.

Learn at the frontier and prepare to lead.

MCPHS is answering the fundamental questions around what health and dignity for all looks like in a societal context. Here, your teachers and mentors are scholars and practitioners who bring state-of-the-art knowledge and practice directly to classrooms and clinics. Their commitment to excellence prepares you to act as a leader and change agent in the transformation of health and life science education, scholarship, practice, and industry.
PA student and faculty looking at an x-ray.