Student Immunization Compliance 

The Student Immunization Compliance Office is dedicated to the health and safety of the MCPHS community in compliance with Massachusetts State immunization laws. The Student Immunization Compliance Office collects and screens immunization documentation required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and MCPHS and those recommended for students engaging in clinical rotations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The required immunizations are listed in the MCPHS Student Immunization Policy within the Student Handbook per academic school. Students are asked to carefully review the requirements and affiliated deadlines. Immunization requirements are subject to change.

The Student Immunization Compliance Office does not offer medical services. Immunizations can be obtained from a primary care provider or by using one of the resources listed in the “Immunization Links” drop down menu below.

Immunization compliance is required for all enrolled students in the following categories:

  • All campus-based students
  • All residential students
  • All online students with an on-site clinical rotation

Immunization/Waiver Deadlines for State Requirements

  • August 1: Fall Admitted Students
  • December 1: Spring Admitted Students
  • April 1: Summer Admitted Students

MCPHS Immunization Requirements

Immunization requirements are subject to change. Changes will be posted on this website and an email notification will be sent to all students.

The Student Immunization Compliance Office is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (EST) for phone, virtual or in-person appointments to help students complete these requirements.

Non-compliance with University immunization requirements will result in adverse action up to and including administrative withdrawal from the University and may negatively impact progression in an academic program.

Newly Accepted Students

All newly accepted students are required to submit immunization documentation by the deadline given by the Student Immunization Compliance Office.

Currently Registered/Enrolled Students

Registered students are required to keep their immunizations up-to-date, to be in compliance with Massachusetts State Law and MCPHS Immunizations Requirements.

CastleBranch (MyCB)

Students must demonstrate immunization compliance with the MCPHS Immunization Policy by uploading records of all required immunizations to CastleBranch (MyCB). To track immunization records and compliance, the University works with MyCB, a confidential electronic health record service. Student Immunization will send students an email with a unique MCPHS Package Code and instructions on how to set up an account with MyCB. Once an account is created, students will be able to upload their records. There is a one-time fee to create a MyCB account. Instructions about payment will be provided on the payment step of the online order process. Students will have direct access to their accounts to monitor personal immunization compliance including after graduation.s about payment will be provided on the payment step of the online order process. Students will have direct access to their accounts to monitor personal immunization compliance including after graduation.

Non-compliance with University immunization requirements will result in adverse action up to and including administrative withdrawal from the University and may negatively impact progression in an academic program.

MCPHS Immunization Policy

Immunization Guidance and FAQs [PDF]

  • This document outlines how to create a MyCB account and upload immunization records.

(A) Physician Immunization Summary form (for students without a clinical rotation) [PDF]

  • For students without a clinical rotation: As an additional resource, students can print this document for a physician to fill out and sign. Once completed, the student can upload this form to the corresponding tabs in the MyCB To-Do List.

(B) Physician Immunization Summary form (for students with a clinical rotation) [PDF]

  • For students with a clinical rotation: As an additional resource, students can print this document for a physician to fill out and sign. Once completed, the student can upload this form to the corresponding tabs in the MyCB To-Do List.

MCPHS Student Vaccine Exemption Form 2024-2025 [PDF]
MCPHS Student Vaccine Exemption Form 2025-2026 [PDF]

  • Religious or faith-based exemption requests must be renewed annually at the start of each academic year.
  • Medical exemption requests must be renewed annually at the start of each academic year and must be supported by medical documentation. Please refer to the exemption form for additional guidance.

CastleBranch Meningococcal Waiver [PDF]

MCPHS Immunization Policy

Student Immunization Policy Guide [PDF]

  • This document outlines how to create a MyCB account and upload immunization records

Immunization Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]

CastleBranch (MyCB)

Immunization Information System (IIS)

  • An IIS is an immunization registry in which many states participate, where doctors and public health clinics save and update vaccination records.
  • Check each state’s registry where you received a vaccine, and you can put together your immunization record.

Student Health Services - Boston Campus Only

CVS Minute Clinics locator by zip code

Requirements for clinical rotations are set by clinical sites. MCPHS does not have the authority to override these requirements. Medical and faith-based exemptions may be accepted at the discretion of clinical sites. Failure to obtain all immunizations required to participate in clinicals or other activities with patient contact may negatively impact progression in certain academic programs. Please contact your clinical coordinator for your academic program to discuss how waivers/exemptions may affect your clinical rotation requirements. In order to be eligible for clinical placements or service-learning experiences, students must meet all University immunization requirements and any additional site requirements.

Students with upcoming clinical rotations are required to be in compliance one semester before their scheduled rotation. Students who have questions about clinical rotation requirements are directed to contact their academic Clinical Coordinator in advance. Find your Clinical Coordinator.

View the MCPHS Immunization Policy to see detailed clinical requirements.

Immunization State requirement
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Measles vaccinations (2 immunizations at least 4 weeks apart; first dose must be received on or after the student’s 1st birthday) or laboratory evidence of immunity.

Mumps vaccinations (2 immunizations at least 4 weeks apart; first dose must be received on or after the student’s 1st birthday) or laboratory evidence of immunity.

Rubella vaccinations (2 immunizations at least 4 weeks apart; first dose must be received on or after the student’s 1st birthday) or laboratory evidence of immunity.
Varicella (chickenpox) Varicella vaccinations (2 immunizations at least 4 weeks apart; first dose must be received on or after the student’s 1st birthday); laboratory evidence of immunity; or physician diagnosis of varicella.
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B immunization series (3 doses) followed by laboratory evidence of immunity; or Heplisav-B vaccine (2 doses, first dose must be given on or after the student’s 18th birthday, and the second dose must be given at least 28 days after the first dose) followed by laboratory evidence of immunity. Laboratory evidence of immunity alone is also acceptable.
TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis vaccinations 1 dose of Tdap and either a history of DTaP primary series or age appropriate catch-up vaccination. See: tdap. Tdap given ≥ 7 years may be counted, but a dose at age 11-12 is recommended if Tdap was given earlier as part of a catch-up schedule. Td should be given if it has been ≥10 years since last Tdap.
Meningococcal conjugate quadrivalent (A,C,Y,W-135) (Menactra, Menveo or Nimenrix only) Meningococcal vaccination: 1 dose of MenACWY (formerly MCV4) received on or after the student’s 16th birthday required only for students under the age of 22. Meningococcal B vaccine does not meet this requirement.
  1. Log in to the CastleBranch (MyCB) website:
  2. Place your 4-digit MCPHS Package Code in the box that says “Package Code” next to “Place Order”
  3. Make a one-time purchase of your MCPHS Package Code
  4. Follow the prompts to create an account
  5. View your program’s immunization requirements in your MyCB “To-Do List”
  6. Upload immunization records to EACH tab in the STATE section of your MyCB “To-Do List”
  7. Make sure each State requirement is marked as “Complete”

Non-compliance with University immunization requirements will result in adverse action up to and including administrative withdrawal from the University and may negatively impact progression in an academic program.

To better assist students in meeting their immunization requirements, the Student Immunization Office collaborates with local healthcare providers on each campus and with Colleges of the Fenway (Boston only) to host vaccine clinics every semester.

The Student Immunization Compliance Office is expected to host clinics in the Fall semester on each campus. Students will receive information to their student email account with details on the clinics.

For assistance with record uploads, creating a MyCB account, general questions etc. can be directed to:

Student Immunization Compliance Office
Division of Student Affairs
Phone: 617.735.1105

Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m. (EST)
Fennell 3rd Floor – Boston Campus

For technical assistance or issues with a MyCB account please contact: 

For questions regarding Student Health Insurance, please visit:

Student Health Insurance