Dean's List

The dean’s list recognizes full-time students seeking a bachelor’s degree or doctor of pharmacy who have completed the required full-time credit hours of credit and earn a minimum 3.50 semester GPA. Courses that are taken pass/fail do not count toward the full-time status. Doctor of Pharmacy students in Boston, Worcester, and Manchester who are completing clinical rotations are not eligible for the dean’s list. Doctor of Pharmacy students in the Worcester and Manchester programs during the six week fall semester of Year II are eligible for the dean’s list.

Incomplete grades that remain beyond the first three weeks of the subsequent semester render a student ineligible for the dean’s list in that term. Dean’s list is not awarded to students in graduate programs (i.e., MPAS, MANP, MSN, MSDH,MS, DPT, OD, OT and PhD). The dean’s list is published approximately one month into the following semester by the Registrars Office.

View the Fall 2024 Deans List [PDF]