students on laptops


two female students on laptops studying

Support for All Educational Needs

The MCPHS Libraries support the educational needs of all members of the Community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. Our staff provides a variety of services, using their expertise to advance teaching, learning, practice, scholarship, and research across the university.
two female students on laptops studying
Close-up of hands using a mobile phone with a calendar image.

Online Reservations

Reserve library study rooms online.

Explore Library Services

Lean on the vast collection of resources and expertise of library staff to guide you through your academic endeavors. The library offers a variety of services to help you succeed.

Research support

Need help completing a project or assignment? Library staff can help. Ask them direct and specific questions, or request a consultation to get one-on-one assistance.

Off-campus access

Utilize library resources on the go with your MCPHS username and password.

Frequently Answered Questions

If you have a question about the library or its services, you may not be alone. Get an answer faster with this list of questions our library frequently answers.


Henrietta DeBenedictis Library Boston Campus

179 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Blais Family Library Worcester Campus

19 Foster Street
Worcester, MA 01608

Manchester Campus Library

1260 Elm Street,
Manchester, NH 01310