Health & Wellness
Boston Student LifeBoston Health Center
Students at our Boston campus have a variety of health services and wellness options open to them including Student Health Services, Forsyth Dental Hygiene Clinic, The Eye and Vision Center, NESA Acupuncture Treatment Center, and the Schumann Fitness Center.
Boston Counseling Services
Students seeking mental health counseling can contact MCPHS Counseling Services for free sessions with our trained staff.
Additional resources on our Counseling Center Homepage include tips on managing stress, identity-based resources, and health and wellness guides.
Additional resources on our Counseling Center Homepage include tips on managing stress, identity-based resources, and health and wellness guides.
Student Access and Accommodations
The Office of Student Access and Accommodations (OSAA) is a part of the Division of Student Affairs and provides services and accommodations to enrolled students at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The office works with students with disabilities to ensure that have the same access to academic programs and campus activities as their peers.
Contact Information
Boston Health Services
578 Huntington AvenueSecond floor of the Treehouse Residence Hall
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Boston Counseling Services 617.732.2837617.732.2837
Fennel B09Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Office of Student Access and Accommodations 617-879-5995617-879-5995
F308179 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115