Documented Absence Policy


MCPHS requires attendance in various components of the curriculum. Preparation, on-time arrival, and active participation in all scheduled classes, laboratories (including clinicals), learning experiences, and assessments (including quizzes and examinations) are a student's professional obligation and demonstrate respect for the educational environment.

  • Attendance requirements are stated in each course syllabus and available to students throughout the duration of a course.
  • Students can review their course syllabus and visit faculty during office hours to ask questions about the course absence policy as it may vary per course.
  • All absences, regardless of reason, must be communicated to faculty who coordinate the course. Students should do so promptly via email.

Documented Absence Policy

Documented Absence Policy, is a policy overseen by the Division of Student Affairs and is intended to aid students in communicating legitimate and verifiable circumstances that result in an absence, including the death of a family member, a communicable disease, or an immutable appointment such as jury duty.

Absences that cannot be supported by documentation, are non-urgent, do not involve seeking medical care or last one day are to be worked out with faculty.

When seeking approval for a Documented Absence, please keep the following in mind:

  • The online request form is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed by campus: Boston CampusWorcester/Manchester and Online Campuses.
  • Emails to Student Affairs requesting an absence are not accepted.
  • Requests must be submitted within THREE days from the date of absence.
  • If you are aware of an upcoming absence due to a documented reason (e.g. immutable appointment), submit your request at the beginning of the semester or as soon as you’re aware.
  • Students with three (3) or more approved documented absences in one semester may be ineligible to receive additional documented absence approval, regardless of the reason.
  • Late submissions or submissions with missing information will be denied.
  • When and if a student submits a Documented Absence, Student Affairs will respond via email within five business days.
  • Students are asked to follow up with the faculty within 24 hours of receiving notification of approval or denial regarding their Documented Absence request.

An absence for religious observance is encouraged to be requested via the Documented Absence form and communicated to faculty within five days after the start of the semester, but not less than 5 business days before the day of the religious observance.

  • Students should review their course syllabus as early as possible to identify any significant conflicts with religious observances.
  • Promptly informing faculty about religious observances enables you and your faculty to collaborate to establish suitable alternative arrangements well in advance.
  • Religious observances do not require documentation.
  • Massachusetts law (see below) and MCPHS policy require faculty and staff members to accommodate students who are absent from a class activity due to religious observance and to provide them with a reasonable opportunity to make up course work (e.g., assessments, labs, clinical activities) missed due to religious observance, if such accommodation does not create an unreasonable burden on the part of the University.
  • To avoid misunderstanding, the faculty and the student should put the agreed-upon arrangement in writing (e.g., via email).
  • All religious observances, within all religious traditions, are subject to this accommodation.

The following excerpt from Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 151C, Section 2B will apply to all students, regardless of campus and including online students:

“Any student in an educational or vocational training institution, other than a religious or denominational educational or vocational training institution, who is unable, because of their religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which they may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such make-up examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of them availing themself of the provisions of this section.”

MCPHS recognizes the important contributions made by the U.S. Armed Forces, consisting of Active Duty, U.S. Military, Veteran, Armed Forces, U.S. Reserves, National Guard, the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), U.S. Public Health Service and military students in service to their home country. MCPHS understands that students may be called into active military service and may be required to be absent from class to fulfill military obligations. An absence for military obligations is encouraged to be requested via the Documented Absence form and communicated to faculty.

  • Students should review their course syllabus as early as possible to identify any significant conflicts.
  • Promptly informing faculty about military obligations enables you and your faculty to collaborate to establish suitable alternative arrangements well in advance.
  • Military obligation submissions can be support by military orders, leave and earning statement, or a unit's memorandum.
  • Absences due to student professional development activities require approval from the Academic Dean/Program Director.
  • To connect with your Academic Dean/Program Director. Contact info is listed in the MCPHS faculty directory..
  • Documentation guidance can be found in the Student Handbook.
  • Any alterations to documentation will result in the denial of the request and a disciplinary referral.
  • Appropriate documentation must be submitted with a request (e.g., an obituary, a doctor’s letter on official letterhead, a jury duty notice).
  • Photographs (e.g., of thermometers or rapid tests) and letters from a parent/guardian are not appropriate and will not be accepted.
  • Absences due to hospital admission, surgery, or for an extended number of days may require consultation with a member of the Student Affairs team.

Below is a chart to help provide guidance on when to submit to Student Affairs and what supporting documentation to provide. This is not a comprehensive guide. As always, students are encouraged to talk to their faculty or visit Student Affairs or send an email with questions you may have.

Type of Absence What to do Documentation to provide
Military Obligation Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Military orders, Leave and earning statement or a unit's memorandum
Illness that does not rise to seeking medical care (ex: stomachache, headache, colds) Communicate with faculty None; student works with faculty
Illness lasting one day Communicate with faculty None; student works with faculty
Illness lasting more than one day Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Medical note on official letterhead including student name, dates of recovery, and signed by a provider
Commuting issues Communicate with faculty None; student works with faculty
Flight/travel/social gatherings Communicate with faculty None; student works with faculty
Professional development Communicate with faculty and academic dean/program director None; student works with faculty, academic dean/program director
Court hearing, jury duty Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Copy of subpoena; jury card
Death of family member (bereavement) Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Copy of obituary; prayer card
Religious; high holiday Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence None; no documentation needed
COVID-19 Positive/Communicable diseases Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Medical note on official letterhead including student name, dates of recovery and signed by a provider.
Medical appointment for you or dependent Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Signed and dated documentation on official letterhead from a licensed healthcare provider. If the student requires recovery time, these dates should be included. A companion letter from a provider on official letterhead, including the student's name, date, and signature.
Accident, Victim of a crime, or other similar events Communicate with faculty and request a documented absence Police Report, Insurance claim/report, or other related documentation

If students, staff, or faculty have questions about the Documented Absence Policy please contact the Dean of Students/Student Affairs.

Student Affairs - Boston
179 Longwood Avenue
Fennell 3rd floor, near F307
Boston, MA 02115

Student Affairs - Worcester
19 Foster Street
4th floor
Worcester, MA 01601

Student Affairs – Online & Manchester
1260 Elm Street
Lower level, Suite 118
Manchester, NH 03101