Employee Stories

Help Desk Technician Kevin Lee

Kevin LeeAlthough he’s only just launched his professional career, Help Desk Technician Kevin Lee believes Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is a place he can build a future. “I jumped into the private sector directly out of college,” Lee says, “but the job wasn’t really gelling for me. I already had a good impression of MCPHS because a friend studied pharmacy here, so I was eager to apply when a position popped up on Indeed.”

Lee was impressed by the thorough and highly engaged interview process, and the Information Services team clearly was impressed with him. “My supervisor gave me a lot of autonomy and responsibility right from the start,” says Lee. “I liked being trusted to fulfill my role effectively. I also appreciate that my colleagues are here for me as resources when I need them.”

The collegial atmosphere—both at work and after hours—has been key to Lee’s satisfaction. “In the private sector, helping people felt more transactional,” he says. “Here, we consider the folks we assist to be colleagues rather than customers. That creates an environment where it’s easy to make friends and bond outside the office. MCPHS definitely feels like home, and I look forward to advancing as new opportunities open up here.”

“My supervisor gave me a lot of autonomy and responsibility right from the start. I liked being trusted to fulfill my role effectively.”

Kevin Lee | Help Desk Technician