Connecting DE Rooms
How to Connect a DE Classroom with a Crestron Touch Screen to its Paired Classroom
These instructions go over how to connect a DE classroom with a Crestron touch screen to its paired classroom. If the classroom does not have a Crestron touch screen or is not connecting to its paired room, contact the Help Desk.
- The Crestron touch screen goes to sleep when it is not in use. Touch the touch screen to wake it up.
- There will be a message on the touch screen saying to touch the screen to start. Touch the touch screen again to continue.
- You will have three choices, Local, Teaching and Remote. Choose the Teaching option.
- Towards the upper left on the touch screen, you will see a message asking if you want to connect. The room listed on the touch screen is the paired room.
- Press Yes to connect to the paired DE classroom.
- Once the rooms are connected, the AV system in the paired classroom will turn on automatically. Once the connection is made, you should be all set to go.