Employee Stories

Public Safety Sergeant Hazel Berry

hazel Berry

After 36 years as a City of Worcester police investigator, Hazel Berry joined the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences as a sergeant in the Office of Public Safety. “When I retired from municipal law enforcement,” says Berry, “I still had a passion to serve and protect. I imagined that I’d be devoting my energies to helping the elderly, but when Chief Nolan invited me to join MCPHS, I thought it would be a good fit. I was right!”

Berry thrives on assisting others. She also has a profound appreciation for the fact that police officers are not trusted in some parts of the world. “Many of our students are far from home and facing a lot of unknowns when they first arrive on campus,” she says. “As public safety staff, it’s essential that we are a welcoming and friendly—as well as protective—presence for members of our community. We peel back the layers of the blue uniform, so to speak, by learning people’s names, participating in campus service activities, and giving students encouragement when they’re in the middle of exams.”

Berry is an avid baker, and she uses those culinary talents to build a rapport with students and staff. “Nothing makes you feel more at home than fresh-baked goodies,” Berry laughs. “Our students are amazing, and they’re gaining remarkable skills here. When they go out into the world to help people, I want them to be inspired and energized by the love they felt here at MCPHS.”

“Our students gain remarkable skills here. When they go out into the world to help people, I want them to be inspired and energized by the love they felt here at MCPHS.”

Sergeant Hazel Berry | Public Safety