Android Device

Set Up Wifi For Android

  1. Select Eduroam, then setup the following details.
  2. EAP method: PEAP
  3. Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  4. CA Certificate: Use system certicates
  5. TLS version: TLS v1.0 (may not apply to all Android devices)
  6. Domain:
  7. Identity: enter your university username in the following format:


  8. Anonymous Identity: Make sure that this field is EMPTY
  9. Password: Enter your MCPHS standard password
  10. Make sure the MAC Address is set to device MAC (not randomized MAC)
  11. You should be able to connect to the network now.


  1. If you had previously connected to eduroam Wi-Fi network, forget network before connecting to Wi-Fi.
  2. If you have previously installed EDUROAM in your device, uninstall EDUROAM profile from other institutions before connecting to our Wi-fi.