Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Postgraduate Year 1 Residency Program

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is part of the Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH) greater Boston health care system, bringing together academic medical centers and teaching hospitals, community and specialty hospitals, and more than 4,000 physicians and 35,000 employees. Members of BILH have a shared mission to expand access to great care and advance science and practice of medicine through groundbreaking research and education. BIDMC is located in the Longwood area of the city and is made up of 673 licensed inpatient beds including 493 medical/surgical beds, 77 critical care beds, and 62 OB/GYN beds. We provide a full range of emergency services including a Level 1 Trauma Center.

Our Mission:

To provide extraordinary care, where the patient comes first, supported by world-class education and research.

The Department of Pharmacy at BIDMC consists of over 160 pharmacists, 90 pharmacy technicians and students, and additional administrative staff supporting clinical patient care and operational activities to deliver extraordinary patient care in the acute care and ambulatory settings. Pharmacists are a vital component of the healthcare team at BIDMC, working in partnership with physicians and other healthcare professionals to provide optimal pharmaceutical care to the patients they serve. Clinical Pharmacists work in a decentralized, unit/team based practice model providing direct patient care, rounding with the healthcare team, and providing education to pharmacy and interdisciplinary learners.

The Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) Pharmacy Residency Program at BIDMC, in conjunction with MCPHS University, provides a structured, is accredited by ASHP to deliver an advanced education and training experience that prepares its graduates to successfully practice in direct patient care positions, clinical faculty positions, or additional advanced training programs (PGY2, Fellowship) in the area of their choice.

Program Description

The PGY1 Pharmacy Residency program at BIDMC provides a 12 month advanced education and training experience for the pharmacy resident. It is the intent of the pharmacy residency program to provide an exemplary environment conducive to resident learning. Program competencies, goals, and objectives for the BIDMC PGY1 program are in alignment with the ASHP PGY1 Residency Required standards. Activities taught and evaluated throughout the program are intended to assure the desired outcomes are achieved through structured learning experiences. 

Residents will work with the program director, program coordinator, and our Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) to build a customized learning experience schedule of core, elective, and longitudinal learning experiences. Resident interests and post-PGY1 goals will be taken into account when building the resident learning experience schedule and the sequence of learning of experiences when possible. In all areas to which the residents are assigned, they assume the role and responsibility of team members in the clinical service, as well as teaching and administrative aspects of the unit.
Successful completion of the PGY1 program at BIDMC will include:

  • Licensure as a pharmacist in the state of Massachusetts for at least two thirds of the program
  • Completion of all required core and longitudinal learning experiences:
    • Orientation & Training
    • Pharmacy Practice Decentral Training
    • Internal Medicine
    • Infectious Diseases
    • Critical Care
    • Pharmacy Management & Leadership
    • Longitudinal Learning Experiences:
      • Medication Use Evaluation
      • Quality Improvement/Research
      • Continuing Education
      • Pharmacy staffing
      • Clinical on Call
  • Completion of at least two external presentations (commonly ASHP Midyear and New England Residency Conference)
  • Maintenance of a Residency Portfolio
  • BIDMC also works with MCPHS who offers a Residency Teaching Certificate Program to all PGY1 residents
    • The residents gain teaching experience at MCPHS University and participate as Clinical Clerkship Preceptors for Doctor of Pharmacy students during Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences at BIDMC. In addition, the residents serve as instructors in the MCPHS University Pharmacotherapeutics Seminar I and II Courses in the fall and spring semesters. The residents also have the opportunity to gain didactic lecture experience at MCPHS University.


Program Outcomes, Goals, and Objective for the BIDMC PGY1 program are in alignment with the ASHP Residency Learning System required goals.  These goals will be taught and evaluated throughout the program to assure the desired outcomes are achieved through structured learning experiences. Upon successful completion of the program’s curriculum and experiential training, the resident will demonstrate that he/she is competent and proficient in his/her ability to:

  • Manage and improve the medication-use process
  • Provide evidence-based, patient-centered medication therapy management with interdisciplinary teams
  • Exercise leadership and practice management skills
  • Demonstrate project management skills
  • Provide medication and practice-related education/training
  • Utilize medical informatics.

Having met these requirements, the resident will be awarded a certificate of completion. This certificate will attest that the resident has achieved competencies consistent with and in accordance with accreditation standards as set forth by ASHP and/or other accrediting bodies.

Residency Program Director: Nicholas Edmonds, PharmD, BCPS
Residency Program Coordinator: George Abdallah, PharmD, BCCCP, BCCP

Contact Information:

Nicholas Edmonds, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Manager – Medicine & Surgery
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Pharmacy Department
1 Deaconess Road, WCCB17
Boston, MA 02215

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Pharmacy Residency Program Website: