Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program
Gain Hands-On Research Experience
The MCPHS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program provides matriculated students with opportunities for mentored learning by working closely with faculty on a scholarly project.
In the course of the project, students apply critical thinking skills in formulating significant questions, proposing solutions, testing the proposed solutions and effectively communicating the outcome of their work to others.
SURF Objectives
The activities of the Program are designed to provide opportunities for:
- Creative growth in the process of recognizing current problems in a field of study and formulating possible solutions.
- Intellectual growth in the process of discovery of original knowledge in solving a problem.
- Improving oral and written communication skills by relating the results of research to the general public and to others in the field.
- Developing confidence in the ability to actively contribute to knowledge in the field and to communicate this knowledge in a professional presentation forum.
SURF Eligibility
- The SURF Program is open to students from all MCPHS academic programs.
- Candidates should have successfully completed their second year of academic study within respective programs prior to participation as a Fellow.
- Transfer students may apply for the SURF Fellowship cycle that immediately follows the completion of their first year of study at the University.
- SURF does not apply to the fulfillment of an MCPHS Honors Program requirement.
- SURF does not apply to the fulfillment of a professional experiential practice rotation or the research requirement of a degree program.
SURF Responsibilities
- Development of a written project description and budget in coordination with a Faculty Research Mentor.
- Devotion of full effort to the research project.
- Development of oral presentations and a complete written report, drafted in a publication-quality style consistent with the research discipline.
- Development of a poster presentation for the MCPHS SURF Research Day.
SURF Research in the News
Surf Advisory Board