Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) was founded on two key commitments. First, the University’s commitment to advancing student success. Recognizing the key role that MCPHS faculty hold in fulfilling this commitment, faculty success is essential for student success. Second, the University’s parallel commitment to advancing the success of its faculty and staff. Fulfilling this commitment requires support for professional development opportunities that are accessible, proactive, and oriented toward furthering a vibrant MCPHS community.  

The CTL is tangible evidence of the University’s commitment to creating an environment where all students and all faculty are actively engaged in innovative, high-impact, and evidence-based learning experiences that lead to meaningful work and life.  

To achieve this, the CTL plans, delivers, and coordinates diverse programming that promotes faculty professional development and recognizes excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship. Programs include all fields of study, teaching modalities, and student learning styles. Led by the Office of the Provost, the Center engages academic programs and support units throughout the University and collaborates with key external partners, including regional higher education consortia to which MCPHS belongs.   

Purpose, Mission, and Vision

Purpose: Promote student success by advancing the use of evidence-based, innovative, and high-impact teaching and learning practices 

Mission: Support faculty and their professional development to advance effective teaching and learning practices throughout the University 

Vision: Engage students and faculty in transformative learning experiences that prepare students for careers that contribute to making a healthier, more equitable world 

Strategic Priorities

Provide faculty with professional development opportunities  

  • Design opportunities that advance each of the Center’s strategic priorities  
  • Engage all faculty, all programs, and all instructional environments 

Expand high-impact practices (HIPs) for student learning  

  • Engage all students in HIPs 
  • Strategically expand HIPs based on their effects on student success 

Amplify evidence-based teaching and learning 

  • Strengthen assessment of learning outcomes at student- and program-levels 
  • Expand systematic efforts in the areas of Teaching as Research (TAR) and Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) 

Advance leading-edge teaching and learning strategies  

  • Promote educational innovation throughout the University 
  • Leverage technology to support effective teaching and learning 

Support the University’s academic mission 

  • Align with and support the Academic Master Plan 
  • Facilitate the development of University Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 
  • Oversee ULO implementation and assessment across academic programs