Student Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography—Echocardiography Accelerated Track

Our year-round, three-year program builds on your previous college studies to extend your expertise into echocardiography and vascular medical imaging.

Student Outcomes

Boston Echocardiography Program Outcomes

Class of 2021

  • Start Date: Fall 2019
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Retention Rate: 88.9% (8/9)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (8/8)
  • Registry Exam pass Rate: 86% (6/7)*
  • Job Placement Rate: 100% (6/6)

Class of 2022

  • Start Date: Fall 2020
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Retention Rate: 77.8% (7/9)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (7/7)
  • Registry Exam pass Rate: 100% (6/6)*
  • Job Placement Rate: 100% (6/6)

Class of 2023

  • Start date: Fall 2021
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 9
  • Retention rate: 66.7% (6/9)
  • Graduation rate: 100% (6/6)
  • Registry exam pass rate: 100% (6/6)*
  • Job placement rate: 100% (6/6)

*Based on first attempt