Dual Degree Option (BS/MS in Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Variations on this sample curriculum are possible. Please see the University Catalog for a detailed description of the program curriculum. Current students should refer to their program evaluation when registering for courses.

Year G1–Fall (BS/MS)
CHE 731 Advanced Organic Chemistry 4
CHE 714/L Spectroscopic Analysis (w/ Lab) 3
PSB 346 Physio-Chemical Properties of Drug Molecules 3
Distribution Elective* 3
Advanced Course* 3
Semester Total 16
Year G1–Spring (BS/MS)
CHE 445L Experimental Methods in Chemistry 3
CHE 450 Pharmaceutical Chemistry I 3
CHE 710 Seminar 1
CHE 880 or CHE 885 Research OR Literature Based Research 3
Advanced Courses* 4-6
Semester Total 14-16
Year G1–Summer
CHE 880 or CHE 885 Research OR Literature Based Research 3
Semester Total 3
Year G2–Fall
CHE 711 Seminar 1
CHE 751/L Pharmaceutical Chemistry II (w/ Lab) 4
CHE 810 Heterocyclic Chemistry 2
CHE 880 or CHE 885 Research OR Literature Based Research 3
Semester Total 10
Year G2–Spring**
CHE 825 Internship 9
Semester Total 9
Year G2–Summer**
CHE 880 or CHE 885 Research OR Literature Based Research 3
Semester Total 3

*See the University Catalog to explore specific Advanced (CHE, BIO, PSB) Course and Distribution Elective options.
**CHE 825 Internship could be taken in either of the three semesters: G1-Summer, G2-Spring, or G2-Summer. CHE 880 Research will be taken in the other two semesters.