Borrow & Request


Loan Periods

Reserve Collection

  • Circulate for a maximum of three hours or 15 minutes before the end of circulation services.
  • It may not be reserved in advance.
  • Maximum of three reserve items at a time per patron.

General Collection


  • Circulate for three weeks with one renewal with a valid bar code from MCPHS or Fenway Library Organization (FLO) institutions.
  • Maximum of ten items on loan at a time per patron.
  • The borrower has one week to return the materials recalled for reserves.
  • Failure to return materials may result in fines and suspending of borrowing privileges.
  • Reference books do not circulate.
  • Journals and materials from the archives do not circulate.


  • DVDs not on reserve may be borrowed for seven days.
  • DVDs on reserve must be used in the Library.

Boston Campus Only

Laptop Chargers

  • Circulate for three hours or until 15 minutes before the end of circulation services.

Scientific Models

  • Circulate for three hours or until 15 minutes before the end of circulation services.

Get Materials for Course Reserves

The MCPHS Libraries offer a full course reserves service.

  • Overdue reserve items are fined at a rate of $1.20 per hour to a maximum of $25 per item.
  • Overdue fines are not imposed on non-reserve items. Books that are overdue for more than six weeks will be considered lost. Lost or mutilated books incur a processing fee of $50.00 plus a replacement cost of the actual cost of the book. If materials are returned in acceptable condition, the fines will be waived.
  • Lost or overdue books borrowed from other FLO institutions are subject to fines imposed by those institutions. Students are responsible for addressing fines with the lending institution.
  • Outstanding fines of $20 or greater will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges. Students can regain borrowing privileges by paying the balance of the fine to be less than $20.00.

You can renew MCPHS items by one of the following methods:

  • Call one of the circulation desks: Boston 617.732.2252 , Worcester 508.373.5618, Manchester 603.314.1717
  • Stop by one of the circulation desks with your ID. You do not need to bring the item.
  • Log into the Library catalog with your MCPHS username and password to view your account. Click on Checked Out Items, select the items and click Renew Selected Items. Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to renew them. Lost items are not eligible to be renewed. Please address any lost items with a staff supervisor.

If you want to renew an Interlibrary Loan item, please contact Sarah Muellers at at least four days before the due date.

Returning Items

  • Items may be returned, regardless of where they are borrowed from, to any of the MCPHS Libraries' circulation desks. Please allow time for transportation if borrowed from non-FLO libraries.