In-State Pharmacy Internship

To apply for a Massachusetts intern license, visit the Massachusetts Health Professions Licensing Portal for the online application and instructions. It is of vital importance that applicants read the intern application thoroughly.

Follow the steps outlined in the MA Health Professions Licensing Portal to register as an intern in Massachusetts.

How to Request Form A from the Registrar’s Office

To request Form A, you may email the Registrar’s Office or complete the Licensure Request form [PDF]. The Registrar’s Office will email Form A to your MCPHS email, as you will upload Form A to your intern application.

For the Registrar’s Office to produce Form A, you must be (1) in good academic standing; (2) completed two years of education, or achieved standing as a student beyond the second year, in an approved college/school of pharmacy, and (3) be currently enrolled.

  • Sections C and D will be completed by the Registrar’s Office.
  • The Registrar’s Office signature is valid for 90 days.
  • If you are working at a pharmacy in Massachusetts, you may and should have your supervising pharmacist (preceptor) sign off on Section F.
    • If you are not, you may leave this portion blank.
  • You will upload the Form A to your intern application.

You will then receive an intern card in the mail from the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy. Keep this in a safe place. The intern registration is good for five years from the date it was issued.

Requirement for Social Security Number

The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy Staff (Board) wishes to inform applicants that a social security number (SSN) is required in order to obtain any professional pharmacy license, including that of a pharmacy intern or pharmacist. As mandated by Massachusetts law, the Board requires license applicants to submit a valid SSN as a condition of issuing or renewing the license. M.G.L. c. 30A, § 13A.

The Board recognizes an exception to this rule for issuing initial licenses to foreign applicants not physically present in the United States, and individuals whose visa for entry is related to employment involving a professional license. See 8 U.S.C. § 1621. Once the license has been issued, license holders must obtain and submit a valid SSN as a condition of license renewal.

  • Students who meet the exception rule (currently located outside of the US) are encouraged to apply for the MA intern license. Applicants must submit the SSN affidavit form along with the application.
  • If you do not have a social security number and do not qualify for the exception (meaning you are physically present in the US), you cannot apply for a MA intern license at this time. More information will be provided by the Immigration and International Support Services Office regarding this process as you get closer to beginning your IPPE rotations.

Questions about how to complete the paperwork? Refer to PCS’s FAQ page.

Logging Your Paid Intern Hours in MA

If you complete paid intern hours in Massachusetts, you must register your supervising pharmacist (preceptor) by having them fill out Section F of your Intern application or Form C if you have already received your intern card. You may have multiple preceptors during your time working as a paid intern. Each time you complete intern hours or work in one place for more than three months, submit Form B to officially log your hours with the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy. These will be used for licensing when you graduate.

You do not need to file your school-sponsored intern/rotation hours. MCPHS will keep track of these hours for you.