Program Details

Doctor of Pharmacy (NTDP)—Non-Traditional Pathway

Your Three Phase Journey

This part-time online program includes 27 credits, five semesters of didactic and active learning, and up to 16 credits of experiential education.*

Phase One

  • attend an in-person orientation on the Boston campus.
  • learn the principles of pharmaceutical care, clinical pharmacokinetics, and pharmacoepidemiology.
  • gain a deep understanding of drug literature resources and evaluation.

Phase Two

  • begin a series of pharmacotherapeutic courses to expand your drug therapy knowledge.

Phase Three

  • complete up to four 160-hour (four weeks) clinical rotations in the areas of ambulatory care, health systems, internal medicine, and community in the state in which you hold a pharmacy license.

*Note: You may apply to waive up to three of the four core rotations at two points: upon admission and at the start of phase two of the curriculum. Your ability to waive rotations will be based on verified prior work experience (minimum eight weeks of experience in the rotation area), board certification, or other qualifications. Your waiver evaluation will include a formalized faculty interview to document competence related to the rotation area.