Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography—General Fast Track (Worcester)
Minimum expectations of the DMS program is to prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the following concentration(s) it offers: Abdominal sonography - Extended and Obstetrics and gynecology sonography.
Demonstrate knowledge of normal anatomy and physiology, relational anatomy and sonographic appearance of anatomic structures.
Demonstrate knowledge of pathophysiology and sonographic appearances of pathology as it pertains to abdominal and OB/GYN sonography
Describe sonographic appearance of normal and abnormal anatomy.
Demonstrate awareness of resources for professional development.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills through image analysis and correlation with patient history.
Demonstrate knowledge of sonography instrumentation, including biologic effects and quality control.
Demonstrate knowledge and application of ergonomic techniques.
Demonstrate normal anatomy, normal variants and abnormal anatomy sonographically, using set protocols, including measurements and Doppler patterns, where applicable.
Evaluate scanning protocol and modification(s) based on the sonographic findings and the differential diagnoses.
Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
Demonstrate compassionate and ethical patient care
Understand the importance of Interprofessional collaboration in patient care.
Demonstrate awareness of cultural competence and humility in a healthcare setting.
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