Minor Programs
Curriculum for Minor Programs
- Most Minor programs require five courses for completion
- Two of these five courses may be used to fulfill major requirements or for another minor.
- The remaining three courses may be used to fulfill General, Distributive, or Liberal Arts Electives as required for the major.
- Requirements vary for the following minors: Biology, Chemistry, PreMed and minors offered through the COF.
Meet with your CASE Academic Coach to review requirements for a specific Minor and to complete a Minor Declaration Form. Download the Minor Requirements [PDF].
Minor Programs
Coordinators: martha.gardner@mcphs.edu and kristen.petersen@mcphs.edu
Two Required Courses
- LIB 530: Undergraduate Research Project (Following completion of at least 12 semester hours for the minor.)
- SSC 430: The Fifties: Intro to American Studies OR SSC 431: The Sixties: Intro to American Studies
Choose Three Additional Elective Courses
- HUM 252: The Short Story
- HUM 291: Introduction to Film
- HUM 353: Literary Boston in the 19th Century
- HUM 357O: Immigrant Literature
- HUM 458: Modern American Writers
- PBH 435: Public Policy and Public Health
- SSC 230: Cultural Anthropology
- SSC 340: Survey of Modern American History
- SSC 345: Immigrant Experience
- SSC 356/O: The Politics of Food
- SSC 420: 20th Century Pop Music and Culture
- SSC 430: The Fifties: Intro. to American Studies*
- SSC 431:The Sixties: Intro to American Studies*
- SSC 440: Women in History
- SSC 444: Cigarette in American Culture
- SSC 445O: The Irish in America
- SSC 452: Urban History
- SSC 475M: The History of Social Movements
- SSC 475PO: Mental Health & American Culture
- SSC 495: Evolution of the Health Professions
*If not already taken as a required course.
Coordinator: magdalena.luca@mcphs.edu
Required Course
- MAT 461: Biostatistics
Choose one Research Methods course
- BEH 451: Research Methods in Health and Behavior
- HSC 410: Health Research Methods
- PBH 260: Public Health Research Methods
Choose one Statistical Programming course
- MAT 4XX: Applied Biostatistics*
- PBH 360: Data Collection Management*
- PBH 440: Intro to SAS Programming*
Choose two elective courses
- MAT 152: Calculus II OR MAT 172: Advanced Calculus II
- MAT 4XX: Applied Biostatistics*
- MAT XXX: Linear Algebra
- MAT 530: Undergraduate Research Project
- MAT 532: Directed Study
- MAT 763: Advanced Statistics
- PBH 360: Data Collection Management*
- PBH 440: Intro to SAS Programming*
*If not already taken as a course in another area of the minor
Coordinator: crystal.ellis@mcphs.edu
Choose Four Elective Courses
Note: Courses chosen for the Biology minor may not overlap with courses required for the major or with any courses taken for another minor.
- BEH 341: Biological Psychology
- BIO 260: Molecular Biology
- BIO 321O: Nutrition Science
- BIO 332: Genetics
- BIO 345O/L: Exercise Physiology w/Lab
- BIO 346: Applied Concepts of Public Health
- BIO 351/L: Advanced A&P I w/Lab*
- BIO 352/L: Advanced A&P II w/Lab*
- BIO 405: Plagues: Past, Present & Future
- BIO 430: Mol. Bio of Cancer
- BIO 434: Immunology
- BIO 440: Cell Biology
- BIO 445: Advanced Human Physiology*
- BIO 455/L Advanced Microbiology w/Lab
- BIO 465: Medical Parasitology
- PBH 335: Human Sexuality
- PBH 340: Environment & Public Health
- PSB 328: Physiology/Pathophysiology I*
- PSB 329: Physiology/Pathophysiology II*
- PSB 440: Molecular Biotechnology
*Students may take BIO 351/352 or PSB 328/329 or BIO 445.
Some required, and elective courses may have prerequisites that must be completed first. Other University or COF courses may be taken with the approval of Dean Anderson.
Coordinator: mary.potorti@mcphs.edu
Two Required Courses
- SSC 330: Introduction to Black Studies (offered in the fall)
- SSC 343: The Black Freedom Struggle in the United States (offered in the spring)
Choose Three Additional Elective Courses
- HUM 454 Speculative Fiction Film, Literature, & Popular Culture
- HSC 360 Health Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
- HSC 460 Health Communication, Literacy & Disparities
- HSC 532 Directed Study
- LIB 530 Undergraduate Research Project
- LIB 532 Directed Study
- PBH 250 Introduction to Public Health
- PBH 350 Global Health
- PBH 377 Introduction to Maternal and Child Health
- PBH 420 Community Health
- PBH 432 Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases
- PBH 435 Public Policy and Public Health
- PBH 460 Field Placement
- PBH 532 Directed Study
- SSC 349 Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies Perspectives
- SSC 440 Women in History SSC 464 Social Justice Movements in the U.S.
*At least one elective course must have an HSC or PBH course designation.
Students may also petition the minor coordinator for approval of relevant special topics courses (HSC.450, HUM.450, PBH.450, or SSC.475) or courses offered through the COF Consortium to fulfill elective requirements.
Coordinator: francis.melaragni@mcphs.edu
Three Required Courses
- PSB 377/O: Management Principles
- PSB 416/O: Managerial Accounting OR PSB 415/O: Financial Accounting
- PSB 429/O: Operations Management
Choose Two Additional Elective Courses
- PSB 210: Macroeconomics
- PSB 215: Microeconomics
- PSB 320/O: Healthcare Delivery
- PSB 376: Healthcare Marketing
- PSB 380: Applied Business Techniques
- PSB 415/O: Financial Accounting**
- PSB 434: Managed Healthcare
- PSB 444: Organizational Development
- PSB 445: Sales of Pharmaceutical & HC Products
- PSB 456: Entrepreneurship
- PSB 447: Fundamentals of Business Law OR PSB 411: Pharmacy Law
- LIB 512/O: Healthcare Ethics
- PSB 532: Directed Study
- PSB 542: Fund. of Pharmaceutical Industry
- PSB 560: Internship
- HSC 310O: Healthcare Informatics*
- HCA 730: Healthcare Operations Management
- PSB 750: Lean Methods, Tools & Practices in HC
- PSB 750: Res. Project or Practicum - Lean in HC
* Only offered as an online course
** If not already taken as a required course.
Coordinator: songwen.xie@mcphs.edu
Requirements for Premed Majors
- CHE 314/L: Analytical Chemistry w/Lab
- INF 210: Survey of the Literature of Chemistry
- CHE 340/L: Inorganic Chemistry w/Lab OR CHE 717/L: Instrumental Analysis w/Lab
- Any BIO or CHE Advanced Elective (300-level course or higher; may not overlap with any course required for the major.)
Requirements for Non-Premed Majors
- CHE 234L: Organic Chemistry II Lab
- CHE 314/L: Analytical Chemistry w/Lab
- CHE 340/L: Inorganic Chemistry w/Lab OR CHE 717/L: Instrumental Analysis w/Lab
- PHY 270/272L: Foundations of Physics I w/Lab
- PHY 274/L: Foundations of Physics II w/Lab
Coordinator: devan.hawkins@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- PBH 375: Survey of Gerontology
- BIO 445: Applied Human Physiology
- SSC/HUM/BEH/PBH 532/530: Gerontology Directed Study or Undergraduate Research
Elective Courses
- PBH 380: Aging, Place & Health
- PBH 432: Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases
- PBH 450H: Disability & Health
- BEH 362: Adult Development & Aging
- BEH 254: Death & Dying
- BEH 352: Human Development Through the Life Cycle
- PPB 534: Clinical Care for Aging
Coordinator: LisaBennett.Johnson@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- HSC 301: Health Promotion
- PBH 250: Introduction to Public Health
Elective Courses
Group 1: Select two CHES-aligned courses
- HSC 315: Planning Health Education & Promo. Programs
- HSC 330: Advocacy & Leadership in Health Ed. and Promo.
- HSC 421: Assessing Community Health Needs
- HSC 460: Health Communication, Literacy, & Disparities
Group 2: Select two topic-focused courses
- Additional courses from Group 1
- HSC 220: Personal Health and Wellness
- HSC 355: Contemporary Topics in Health Ed. & Promotion
- HSC 401: Public Health & Policy OR PBH 435: Public Policy & Public Health
- HSC 410: Health Research Methods OR PBH 260: Public Health Research Methods
- HSC 470: Health Sciences Practicum OR PBH 460: Field Placement
- HSC 490: Health Sciences Capstone OR PBH 480: Public Health Capstone
- HSC 532: Health Sciences Directed Study OR PBH 532: Public Health Directed Study
- PBH 230: Peer Health Education
- PBH 310: Public Health Surveillance
- PBH 335: Human Sexuality
- PBH 377O: Maternal and Child Health
- PBH 380O: Aging, Place, and Health
- PBH 420: Community Health
- PBH 450: Community-Based Participatory Research
- PBH 450: Occupational Health
- SSC 464: Social Justice Movements in the U.S.
- BIO 321: Nutrition Science
- BIO 345: Exercise Physiology
- BIO 346: Applied Concepts in Public Health
- BIO 405: Plagues & Pandemics
- BIO 420: Communication in the Biological Sciences
- BIO 470: The Biology of Obesity
Other courses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by Minor Coordinator. Students wishing to take the CHES exam will complete all four courses from Group 1.
Coordinator: stacie.spencer@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- BEH 250: Health Psychology
- BEH451: Research Methods in Health & Behavior*
*Take in the Fall semester as early in the curriculum as possible.
Choose Three Additional Elective Courses
Note: you must choose at least one Basic BEH course and one Applied BEH course.
Basic BEH Courses
- BEH 340: Psychology of Aggression
- BEH 341: Biological Psychology
- BEH 345: Myths & Misconceptions
- BEH 350: Psychopathology & Mental Health
- BEH 351: Social Psychology
- BEH 352: Human Development (Lifespan)
- BEH 356: Gender Rol
- BEH 357: Positive Psychology
- BEH 358: Theories of Personality
- BEH 458: Child and Adolescent Development
Applied BEH Courses
- BEH 254: Death & Dying
- BEH 260: Lifestyle Medicine/Behavioral Health
- BEH 344: Integrative Therapies & Mental Health in Aging
- BEH 353: Nutrition and Health
- BEH 355: Organizational Psychology
- BEH 405: Mind/Body Medicine
- BEH 453 Behavior Modification
- BEH 454: Stress & Illness
- BEH 457: Drugs & Behavior
Contact Stacie Spencer for any other possible minor substitutions.
Coordinator: ADavid.Lewis@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- HUM 230: Introduction to the Health Humanities
- HUM 456: Narrative & Medicine
Choose Three Additional Elective Courses
Note: You must choose at least one HUM course and one SSC course.
- BEH 254: Death & Dying
- BEH 260: Lifestyle Medicine/Behavioral Health
- BEH 405: Mind/Body Medicine
- BEH 454: Stress & Illness
- HUM 342: Cancer and Comic Books
- HUM 355: Science, Technology & Values
- HUM 452: Women Writers
- SSC 432: Medical Anthropology
- SSC 444: Cigarettes in American Culture
- SSC 495: Evolution of the Health Profession
Coordinator: mary.potorti@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- BEH 353: Nutrition and Health
- BIO 321: Nutrition Science
- SSC 356: The Politics of Food
Choose Two Additional Elective Courses
- BEH 260: Lifestyle Medicine
- BIO 470: Biology of Obesity
- HSC 301: Health Promotion
- HSC 315: Planning Health Education & Promotion Programs
- PBH 2XX: Peer Health Education
- PBH 250: Introduction to Public Health
- PBH 350: Global Health
- PBH 432: Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases
- LIB 530: Undergraduate Research
- LIB 532: Directed Study
Note: Other COF Nutrition courses may be taken with the approval of Dean Anderson.
Coordinator: Jennifer.wade@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- BIO 151: Biology I
- BIO 152/L: Biology II w/Lab
- BIO 150L: Biology I Lab (highly recommended but not required)
- BIO 255/L: Medical Microbiology
- CHE 131/L: Chemical Principles I w/Lab
- BIO 360: Cellular Biochemistry OR PSB 331/332: Biochemistry I & II
- CHE 132/L: Chemical Principles II w/Lab
- CHE 231/L: Organic Chemistry I w/Lab
- CHE 232: Organic Chemistry II CHE 234L: Organic Chemistry II Lab
- MAT 151: Calculus I
- PHY 270/272L: Foundations of Physics I w/Lab OR PHY 280/L: Physics I w/Lab
- PHY 274/L: Foundations of Physics II w/ Lab OR PHY 284/L: Physics II w/Lab
Choose Three Additional Elective Courses
Note: Must have three different course prefixes and may not overlap with any courses required for the major.
- Any BEH course
- Any 200, 300, or 400 level BIO course
- Any HUM course
- Any 300 or 400 level PBH course
- Any SSC course
Coordinator: Kathryn.Wagner@mcphs.edu
Required Courses
- MAT 461: Biostatistics
- PBH 250: Introduction to Public Health
- PBH 330: Introduction to Epidemiology
Choose Two Additional Elective Courses
- PBH 260: Public Health Research Methods
- PBH 335: Human Sexuality
- PBH 377O: Maternal & Child Health
- PBH 340: Environment and Health
- PBH 350: Global Health
- PBH 360: Health Data Collection & Management
- PBH 420: Community Health
- PBH 430: Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- PBH 435: Public Policy and Public Health
- PBH 440: Introduction to SAS Programming
- PBH 380O: Aging, Place, & Health
- PBH 450U: Occupational Health
- PBH 450C: Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- PBH 450AD: Field Epidemiology
- PBH 450: Public Health Surveillance
- PBH 375: Survey of Gerontology
- PSB 377: Healthcare Management
- SSC 230: Cultural Anthropology
- SSC 444: Cigarettes in American Culture
- SSC 464: Social Justice Movements in the U.S.
Note: Other PBH courses may be taken with the permission of Dean Anderson.
Some required, and elective courses may have prerequisites that must be completed first.
Coordinator: mary.potorti@mcphs.edu
Required Course
- SSC 464: Social Justice Movements in the U.S.
Choose at least two elective courses
- HSC 301 Health Promotion
- HSC 330 Advocacy and Leadership in Health Education and Promotion
- HSC 355 Contemporary Topics in Health Education and Promotion
- HSC 360 Health Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- HSC 421 Assessing Community Health Needs
- HSC 460 Health Communication, Literacy & Disparities
- HSC 532 Directed Study
- PBH 250 Introduction to Public Health
- PBH 350 Global Health
- PBH 377 Introduction to Maternal and Child Health
- PBH 420 Community Health
- PBH 432 Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases
- PBH 435 Public Policy and Public Health
- PBH 460 Field Placement
- PBH 532 Directed Study
Choose at least one elective course
- HUM 357 Immigrant Literature
- HUM 425 Applied Ethics
- SSC 343 The Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
- SSC 345 Immigrant Experience
- SSC 349 Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies
- SSC 355 Persuasion and Social Influence
- SSC 356 The Politics of Food
- SSC 435 Cultural Geography
- SSC 440 Women in History
Additional Elective Options
- LIB 530 Undergraduate Research Project
- LIB 532 Directed Study
Students may also petition the minor coordinator for approval of relevant special topics courses (HSC 450, HUM 450, PBH 450, or SSC 475) or courses offered through the COF Consortium to fulfill elective requirements.
Coordinator: kristen.petersen@mcphs.edu
Required Course
- SSC 349: Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies
Choose Two Additional Required Courses
- BEH 356: Gender Roles
- PBH 335: Human Sexuality
- SSC 230: Cultural Anthropology*
- SSC 440: Women in History
Choose Two Additional Elective Courses
- BEH 351: Social Psychology
- BEH 352: Human Development
- BIO 532: Directed Study
- BEH 458: Child & Adolescent Development
- HUM 350: Selected British Writers
- HUM 458: Modern American Writers
- HUM 357: Immigrant Literature
- PBH 450J: Women & Public Health
- PBH 805: Maternal & Child Health
- PBH 435: Public Policy and Public Health
- LIB 532: Directed Study
- SSC 353: Shattering the Glass Slipper
- SSC 230: Cultural Anthropology*
- SSC 440: Women in History
- SSC 432: Medical Anthropology
- SSC 464: Social Justice Movement in the U.S.
- SSC 495: Evolution of the Health Professions
* If not already taken as a required course.
COF Minors
- Performing Arts*
Coordinator: virginia.briggs@mcphs.edu
- Sustainability*
Coordinator: anna.aguilera@simmons.edu
* Courses for these minors are taken at multiple COF schools.
Note: Students are allowed to pursue any minor offered at other Colleges of the Fenway schools. Please see an Academic Advisor for more information.