Student Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography — Echocardiography Fast Track Worcester

Worcester Echocardiography Program Outcomes

Class of 2020

  • Program outcomes were not reported due to a delay in graduation from COVID-19. Two cohorts graduated in 2021. See below.

Class of 2021 (May Graduation)*

  • Start Date: Fall 2019
  • Students Enrolled: 14
  • Retention Rate: 92.85% (13/14)
  • Graduation Rate: 92.31% (12/13)
  • Registry Exam Pass Rate: 72.72% (8/11)
  • Job Placement Rate: 100% (12/12)

*Class of 2020 moved to 2021

Class of 2021

  • Start Date: Fall 2020
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 11
  • Retention Rate: 92.85% (10/11)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (10/10)
  • Registry Exam Pass Rate: 90% (9/10)
  • Positive Placement Rate: 100% (10/10)

Class of 2022

  • Start Date: Fall 2021
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 12
  • Retention Rate: 88.33% (10/12)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (10/10)
  • Registry Exam pass Rate: 100% (10/10)
  • Positive Placement Rate: 100% (10/10)

Class of 2023

  • Start Date: Fall 2022
  • Students Enrolled (Start): 10
  • Retention Rate: 90% (9/10)
  • Graduation Rate: 100% (9/9)
  • Registry Exam Pass Rate: 100% (9/9)
  • Positive Placement Rate: 100% (9/9)

Based on first attempt