School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
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Paul Belliveau is a Professor of Pharmacy Practice at MCPHS. He began his tenure as an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice on the Boston campus before joining the School of Pharmacy – Worcester/Manchester (SOP-WM) in 2001, where his practice site was UMass Memorial Medical Center. Over the years, he has held several leadership roles, including Pharmacy Practice Department Chair, Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, and Dean for SOP-WM.
He earned his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island and his Doctor of Pharmacy from MCPHS in Boston. He also completed an Antibiotic Management Fellowship at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut. His professional interests include infectious diseases pharmacotherapy, pharmacokinetics, academic leadership, and pharmacy education.
- BS, Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island
- PharmD, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Research Interests
- Infectious Diseases
- Pharmacotherapy
- Pharmacokinetics
- Academic leadership
- Pharmacy education
Featured Affiliations
Phi Lambda Sigma, Pharmacy Leadership Society
WebsiteAmerican Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
WebsiteN.H. Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Board Member
- BS, Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island
- PharmD, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Research Interests
- Infectious Diseases
- Pharmacotherapy
- Pharmacokinetics
- Academic leadership
- Pharmacy education
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Anderson, H., Mommsen, S., Khan, S., Kanaan, A.O., Sullivan, K., Belliveau, P (2023). Medication Safety Management. When an Ounce of Prevention is Worth More Than a Pound of Cure. National Science Teaching Association.
- Yadav, J. D., Othee, H., Chan, K. A., Man, D. C., Belliveau, P. P., & Towle, J. (2021). Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy—Current and Future Therapies. Annals of Pharmacotherapy.
- Durand, C., Bylo, M., Howard, B., & Belliveau, P. (2017). Vancomycin Dosing in Obese Patients: Special Considerations and Novel Dosing Strategies. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. First Published December 21, 2017;
- Donovan, J.L., Cross, J., Morrill, A.M., Belliveau, P.P., Abel, C.A., Morin, A.K., & Malloy, M.J. (2017). Incorporating the American Pharmacists Association's Delivering Medication Therapy Management services certificate program into an accelerated pharmacy curriculum. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 9, 813-20.
- Mattox, J., Belliveau, P., & Durand, C. (2016). Oritavancin: a novel lipoglycopeptide. Consultant Pharmacist, 31, 86-95.
- Aungst, T.D., & Belliveau, P. (2015). Leveraging mobile smart devices to improve interprofessional communications in inpatient practice setting: A literature review. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(6), 570-8.
- Horton, E.R., Morin, A., Pervanas, H.C., Mukherjee, S.M., & Belliveau, P. (2014). A novel structured format for engaging pharmacy students in bioethics discussions. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78 (9), Article 171. Available from:
- Durand, C., Brueckner, A., Sampadian, C., Willett, K.C., & Belliveau, P. (2014). Daptomycin use in pediatric patients. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 71, 1177-82.
- Morin, A.K., Jarvis, C.I., Pesaturo, K.A., Coppenrath, V., Pervanas, H.C., Cooper, M., Comee, M., & Belliveau, P.P. (2014). Descriptive report of a team-taught elective academic-focused advanced pharmacy practice experience. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 6, 265-276.
- Horton, E.R., & Belliveau, P. (2014). Pediatric pharmacotherapy in the PharmD curriculum: course design and student self-assessment of learning outcomes achievement. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 6, 277-283.
- McDaneld, P.M., Spooner, L.M., Mohr, J.F., & Belliveau, P.P. (2013). Use of Daptomycin to Treat infections with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolates having vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentrations of 1.5 to 2 μg/mL. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 47, 1654–65.
- Pesaturo, K.A., Horton, E.R., & Belliveau, P.P. (2012). Inhaled aztreonam lysine for cystic fibrosis pulmonary disease-related outcomes. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 46, 1076-85.
- Pervanas, H.C., Silva, M.A., Willett, K.C., Cooper, M.R., Durand, C., Belliveau, P., & Abel, C. (2012). Health perception changes of state employees following a health screening event. The Journal of Pharmacy Technology, 28, 47-50.
- Foote, B.S., Spooner, L.M., & Belliveau, P.P. (2011). Boceprevir: A Protease Inhibitor for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 45, 1085-93.
- Donovan, J.L., Kanaan, A.O., Silva, M.A., Horton, E., Abel, C., & Belliveau, P.P. (2011). Assessment of center for the advancement of pharmaceutical education (CAPE) outcomes in a capstone course of an accelerated pharmacy program. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 3, 299–306.
- Larson, K.C., Belliveau, P.P., & Spooner, L.M. (2011). Tigecycline for the treatment of severe Clostridium difficile infection. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 45, 1005-10.
- Pesaturo, K.A., Spooner, L.M., & Belliveau, P. (2011). Vigabatrin for Infantile Spasms. Pharmacotherapy, 31, 298-311.
- Belliveau, P.P., DeBellis, R.J., Tataronis, G.R., Jarvis, C.I., & Steinberg, M.J. (2010). Assessment of an Elective in Antibacterial Pharmacotherapy. Pharmacy Education, 10, 102-6.
- Lahoz, M.R., Belliveau, P., Gardner, A., & Morin, A. (2010). An Electronic NAPLEX Review Program for Longitudinal Assessment of Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74 (7), Article 128. Retrieved from:
- Allison, G.W., Perla, R.J., Belliveau, P.P., & Angelis, S.M. (2009). Elevated creatine phosphokinase levels associated with linezolid therapy. American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy, 66, 1097-1100.
- Mitrano, J.A., Spooner, L.M., & Belliveau, P. (2009). Excretion of antimicrobials used to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections during lactation: safety in breastfeeding infants. Pharmacotherapy, 29, 1103-9.
- Gaffney, M.M., Belliveau, P.P., & Spooner, L.M. (2009). Apricitabine: A novel nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor for HIV infection. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 43, 1676-83.
- Belliveau, P.P., & Lahoz, M.R. (2007). Treating allergic asthma with omalizumab. Disease Management & Health Outcomes, 15, 165-79.
- Perla, R.J., Knutson, E.L., & Belliveau, P.P. (2007). Emergence of Fluoroquinolone only-resistant Escherichia coli in a community hospital. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 44, 1255.
- Belliveau, P.P, & Perla, R.J. (2007). Antibiogram-derived radial decision trees: innovative visual education tools for discussing empirical antibiotic selections. Pharmacy Education, 7, 43-51.
- Silva, M.S., Matthews, M.L, Jarvis, C., Nolan, N.M., Belliveau, P., Malloy, M., & Gandhi, P. (2007). Meta-analysis of drug-induced adverse events associated with intensive-dose statin therapy. Clinical Therapeutics, 29, 253-60.
- Perla, R.J., & Belliveau, P,P. (2005). Antibiotic-derived radial decision trees: an innovative approach to susceptibility data display. American Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1, 124-7.
- Belliveau, P.P, & Lahoz, M.R. (2005). Evaluation of omalizumab from a health plan perspective. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 11, 735-45.
- Belliveau, P.P, & DeBellis, R.J. (2005). Treatment of asymptomatic bacteruria in the noncatheterized hospitalized patient. Reply to Johnson JR. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, 12, 406.
- Belliveau, P.P, & DeBellis, R.J. (2005). Management of nosocomial urinary tract infections in adult patients. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, 12, 306-14.
- Belliveau, P.P. (2005). Omalizumab: a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody. Medscape General Medicine, 7(1). Retrieved from:
- Mago, K., Gandhi, P.J., Mazzola, J.L., Belliveau, P.P., Smith, B., Tataronis, G.R., Tran, M., & Saxer, S. (2004). Pharmacist-Assisted Renal Medication Dosing (PHARMD) trial. Pharmacy Journal of New England, 1, 35-9.
- Mazzola, J.L., Belliveau, P.P., & Cheeseman, S.H. (2003). Guidelines for liposomal amphotericin B. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60, 1480-1.
- Belliveau, P.P. (2002). The impact of concomitant enteral nutrition and feeding tubes on the delivery or fluoroquinolones. Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Newsletter, 12(2), 3-5.
- Belliveau, P.P., Brennan, W.P., & Rothman, A.L. (2000). Levofloxacin use at an academic teaching institution. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 57, 1791-3.
- Belliveau, P. (2000). Systemic pharmacologics for the prevention and treatment of Varicella-Zoster virus infections. University HealthSystem Consortium, 8, 1-70.
- Stirling, A.L., Belliveau, P., Maas, B., Rothman, A., Bercume, R., & Esposito, M. (1999). Experience with a decentralized IV to PO ofloxacin conversion program. Formulary, 34, 688-703.
- Lai, K.K., Kelley, A.L., Melvin, Z.S., Belliveau, P.P., & Fontecchio, S.A. (1998). Failure to eradicate vancomycin-resistant enterococci in a university hospital and the cost of barrier precautions. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 19, 647-652.
- Freeman, C.D., Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., & Nightingale, C.H. (1997). Once-daily dosing of aminoglycosides: review and recommendations for clinical practice. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 39, 677-86.
- Belliveau, P.P., Freeman, C.D., Nicolau, D.P., Nightingale, C.H., Tessier, P.R., & Quintiliani, R. (1996). Bactericidal activity of ceftizoxime and ceftriaxone against pathogens associated with community- and nosocomial-acquired pneumonia. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 53, 1024-7.
- Belliveau, P.P., Rothman, A.R., & Maday, C.E. (1996). Limiting vancomycin use to combat vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 53, 1570-5
- Klepser, M.E., Zhu, Z., Nicolau, D.P., Banevicius, M.A., Belliveau, P.P., Ross, J.W., Broisman, L., Quintiliani, R., & Nightingale, C.H. (1996). Oral absorption of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in patients with AIDS. Pharmacotherapy, 16, 656-62.
- Lai, K.K., Kleinjan, J., & Belliveau, P. (1996). Vancomycin-induced neutropenia treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor during home intravenous infusion therapy. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 23, 844-5.
- Nicolau, D.P., Freeman, C.D., Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., Ross, J.W., & Quintiliani, R. (1995). Experience with a once-daily aminoglycoside program administered to 2,184 adult patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 39, 650-5.
- Belliveau, P.P. Once-daily aminoglycoside dosing. (1995). Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology In-Service Training and Continuing Education, 16, 93-8.
- Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., & Quintiliani, R. (1995). Stability of cefotaxime sodium and metronidazole 0.9% sodium chloride injection or in ready-to-use metronidazole bags. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 52, 1561-3.
- Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., Quintiliani, R., & Freeman, C.D. (1995). Implementation of a once-daily aminoglycoside program in a large community-teaching hospital. Hospital Pharmacy, 30, 674-6,679-80.
- Nightingale, C.H., Belliveau, P.P., & Quintiliani, R. (1995). Cost issues and considerations when choosing antimicrobial agents. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 4 (Suppl 2), S64-7.
- Belliveau, P.P., Nicolau, D.P., Nightingale, C.H., & Quintiliani, R. (1995). Once-daily gentamicin: experience in one hundred eighteen patients with postpartum endometritis. Journal of Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy, 1, 11-8.
- Patel, K.B., Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., Nicolau, D.P., & Quintiliani R. (1995). Absorption of ciprofloxacin in febrile and afebrile patients. The International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 6, 119-22.
- Nightingale, C.H., Belliveau, P.P., & Quintiliani R. (1994). Cost issues and considerations when choosing antimicrobial agents. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 3, 8-11.
- Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., & Quintiliani, R. (1994). Stability of aztreonam and ampicillin sodium-sulbactam sodium in 0.9% sodium chloride injection. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 51, 901-4.
- Freeman, C.D., Nightingale, C.H., Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., Tessier, P.R., Fu, Q., Xuan, D., & Quintiliani, R. (1994). Bactericidal activity of low-dose ceftizoxime plus metronidazole compared with cefoxitin and ampicillin-sulbactam. Pharmacotherapy, 14, 185-90.
- Freeman, C.D., Nightingale, C.H., Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., & Quintiliani R. (1994). Serum bactericidal activity of ceftriaxone plus metronidazole against common pathogens of intraabdominal infection. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 51, 1782-7.
- Belliveau, P.P., Nightingale, C.H., Quintiliani, R., & Maderazo, E.G. (1994). Reduction in serum concentrations of ciprofloxacin secondary to ursodiol in a patient with hepatobiliary disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 19, 354-5.
- Freeman, C.D., Nightingale, C.H., Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., Banevicius, M.A., & Quintiliani, R. (1994). The intracellular and extracellular penetration of azithromycin into inflammatory and noninflammatory blister fluid. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 38, 2449-51.
- Nightingale, C.H., Belliveau, P.P., & Quintiliani, R. (1994). Conversion of intravenous to oral ciprofloxacin: observing the "like-to-like" phenomenon. In: Garrard C, editor. Ciprofloxacin i.v. Defining its role in serious infections. Proceedings of an International Symposium; 1993 Sept; Salzburg (Germany). Berlin (Germany):Springer-Verlag, 85-95.
- Nightingale, C.H., Belliveau, P.P., Nicolau, D.P., & Quintiliani R. (1994). Streamlining antibiotic therapy in the hospital setting: cost containment by switching from parenteral to oral therapy. Proceedings of the 4th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases; 1994 Dec 4-7; Manila (Philippines). Journal of the American Medical Association Southeast Asia, 10, suppl, 373-8.
- Quintiliani, R., Nightingale, C.H., Belliveau, P., & Sullivan, M. (1993). A new cost-effective option. Cefotaxime plus metronidazole for intra-abdominal infection. Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 18, 277-9.
- Belliveau, P.P., Shea, B.F., & Scavone, J.M. (993). Stability of metoprolol tartrate in 5% dextrose injection or 0.9% sodium chloride injection. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 50, 950-2.
- Belliveau, P., Hickingbotham, N., Maderazo, E.G., Mazens-Sullivan, M., & Robinson, A. (1993). Institution-specific patterns of infection and Gram's stain as guides for empiric treatment of patients hospitalized with typical community-acquired pneumonia. Pharmacotherapy, 13, 396-401.
- Freeman, C.D., Nicolau, D.P., Belliveau, P.P., & Nightingale, C.H. (1993). Lomefloxacin clinical pharmacokinetics. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 25, 6-19.
- Belliveau, P., Nightingale, C.H., Quintiliani, R., Crowe, H., & Gousse, G. (1993). Oral ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and lomefloxacin as alternatives to intravenous antimicrobial therapy. Connecticut Medicine, 57, 539-45.
- Belliveau, P. (1992). Ofloxacin vs ciprofloxacin: a comparison. Connecticut Medicine, 56, 261-63.
- Belliveau, P. (1991). Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril®). Clinical Toxicology Review, 13, 1-2.