Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BS)

School of Arts and Sciences

Location: Boston
Start Term: Fall

Help protect the health of populations around the globe by building a career in public health.

Want to build a healthier society? Start here.

In this full-time, four-year program at our Boston campus, you’ll work with world-class educators to develop your knowledge of public health issues. At the same time, you’ll build a rigorous foundation in the basic sciences and liberal arts. You also will gain an informed sense of healthcare issues such as vaccinations, substance abuse, healthcare legislation, and accessibility to clean air and water. When you graduate, you’ll be prepared to begin your career or continue your education at the graduate level.

Your Four-Year Journey

Our varied and holistic approach to public health education will prepare you to play a significant role in the public health arena.

First-Year Experience

  • study biology and chemistry and participate in associated labs
  • gain an understanding of culture, identity, and public life and how those factors impact public health
  • learn calculus and expository writing

Second-Year Experience

  • explore public health, healthcare informatics, and health promotion
  • study psychology, medical microbiology, and statistics
  • obtain critical knowledge of the various health professions

Third-Year Experience

  • learn the interpersonal communication skills necessary to be a successful healthcare professional
  • explore epidemiology, health, and the environment, and plagues throughout human history
  • study biostatistics and healthcare ethics

Fourth-Year Experience

  • deepen your knowledge of public health and public policy
  • complete required electives in behavioral science, public health, and the humanities
  • build on your practical experience through field placement

The Heart of New England’s Healthcare Ecosystem

The MCPHS Public Health program was a great fit for one student’s very specific vision—improving public health and water accessibility.

Making a Career that Makes a Difference

Public health is a rewarding career focused on driving change to build healthier communities.

You have options

With a degree in public health, you can launch a career in a wide range of fields including epidemiology, biostatistics, biomedical science, and health policy and management.

Meet our dynamic student body

MCPHS is one of the most diverse colleges in New England.

The best place to be

MCPHS is located in Boston’s Longwood Medical and Academic Area, a global center for healthcare delivery, research, and education.