Welcoming Community
Bicentennial PodcastFounders & Futurists
Discover our healthcare visionaries and imagine the possibilities ahead as MCPHS celebrates its Bicentennial.
About Founders & FuturistsWelcoming Community
Ensuring that healthcare reaches more people requires a commitment to broad representation and fairness. We support future leaders who will provide compassionate care and improve organizations and systems to better serve individuals, groups, and society as a whole.
IntroductionPodcast: The Secret to Living to 200
How can we live longer, happier, healthier lives? MCPHS experts share their perspectives in this podcast series inspired by the celebration of our 200th birthday. Episodes explore our evolving understanding of health and the factors that influence our well-being.
View EpisodesCardinal Kudos
For 200 years and counting, people are what make MCPHS a special place to learn. This Community thrives thanks to their words, actions, leadership, and guidance. Here, those contributions are brought forward so all students, faculty, staff, and alumni can see the stories of people who have made a positive impact on the MCPHS experience.
See the StoriesWe asked Community members how it feels to be at MCPHS for the Bicentennial.
First-Generation College Students
We provide an on-ramp to healthcare professions for individuals from many different backgrounds. In fall of 2022, more than 1,500 students who leveraged our Center for Academic Success & Enrichment self-identified as first-generation, representing 23% of the total student body.
People Are the Heartbeat of MCPHS
Healthcare is about people helping people. We keep this top of mind as we shape professionals in the health and life sciences who will serve patients in different ways — from providing direct care to running clinics to discovering medicines.
Cultivating CompassionWe asked Community members to share tips for living a long and healthy life.
Creating a welcoming environment means making room for all voices. That’s what true community is—ensuring that various viewpoints are heard and valued.”
Jacinda Félix Haro Dean of Students and Senior Student Affairs Officer
A Recipe for Expanding Minds
We began offering interprofessional practice and education (IPE) experiences before it was the norm. Our students train in diverse teams throughout their time at MCPHS.
Fostering CollaborationHistoric Founders & Futurists
Meet some of the pioneering women and men who have made their mark on our institution—and on history. Members of our Community have worked to serve patients and society for two centuries.
Explore Visionaries