A Recipe for Expanding Minds

Bicentennial Podcast

Founders & Futurists

Discover our healthcare visionaries and imagine the possibilities ahead as MCPHS celebrates its Bicentennial.

About Founders & Futurists
Welcoming Community

A Recipe for Expanding Minds

We began offering interprofessional practice and education (IPE) experiences before it was the norm. Our students train in diverse teams throughout their time at MCPHS.

Students participating in an Interprofessional Education event.

Interprofessional Practice and Education

By the 1990s, our exclusive focus on the health sciences – with programs in fields ranging from pharmacy to nursing to radiation therapy – made it easy for us to bring together students with expertise in different areas for discussions as team-based care caught on in hospitals and clinics. We saw an opportunity to prepare students for collaborative work environments, which produce better outcomes for patients. And we seized it.

The key to healthcare moving forward is through an interprofessional lens – that is, understanding what other healthcare folks are doing and what they know. That really enhances what you will learn.

Jacinda Félix Haro | Dean of Students and Senior Student Affairs Officer.

Jacinda Félix Haro

Now IPE is a pillar of the MCPHS experience. Our Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education coordinates activities across the University, including case conferences that encourage students from different programs to interact and discuss the care of patients.


Why is MCPHS uniquely qualified to deliver IPE opportunities to students?

From the moment our students step on campus, they learn the importance of listening and collaboration. These invaluable skills facilitate profound introspection and an appreciation for those around us. Respect for others is fundamental to teamwork in any setting. Our IPE programs foster engagement by encouraging students to seek out and integrate different perspectives across a wide range of disciplines. It’s a flurry of cross-campus activity and an exchange of ideas that makes it nearly impossible to remain in a silo at MCPHS.


Our interprofessional practice and education programs are bringing students together in ways that benefit everyone involved. Community members learn from and with each other inside and outside the classroom.

Naturally, conversations spill out of the classroom in an environment that promotes deep listening and dialogue. It’s not unusual to find students from different programs and backgrounds discussing important healthcare topics in common spaces around our campuses.

Of course, adding a little fun to the equation only helps, which is why we offer programs and activities that allow students to gather and enjoy themselves outside the classroom. Whether it’s joining a cultural club or taking part in a volunteer project, our students continue to benefit from a wide range of social opportunities that inspire connections that can last a lifetime.

At MCPHS, we’re always looking for new and better ways to make engagement part of our learning process. But no matter where that leads, one thing is clear – IPE will continue to play a key role in our future. By interacting with practitioners of various professional backgrounds, our students are not only learning unique skill sets that are a vital ingredient to team-based care, they’re discovering the true value of connecting with others in a way that leads to high-quality healthcare for all.