Welcoming Community Intro

Bicentennial Podcast

Founders & Futurists

Discover our healthcare visionaries and imagine the possibilities ahead as MCPHS celebrates its Bicentennial.

About Founders & Futurists
Welcoming Community

Welcoming Community Intro

We support future leaders who will provide compassionate care and improve organizations and systems to better serve individuals, groups, and society as a whole.


Advancing Access to Healthcare for All

At Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), we recognize the strength that comes from bringing together people with a wide range of experiences. Access to quality healthcare remains one of the most urgent challenges of our time, and as an institution focused on health and life sciences education, we are determined to be part of the solution. Progress happens when people with different perspectives work side by side to create lasting change.

Creating a welcoming environment means making room for all voices. That’s what true community is—ensuring that various viewpoints are heard and valued.

Jacinda Félix Haro | Dean of Students and Senior Student Affairs Officer.

Jacinda Félix Haro

By encouraging students from many backgrounds to engage in meaningful conversations and embrace compassion, we are expanding minds and opening doors throughout the healthcare field. When potential is unlocked, positive change follows. People collaborate, share knowledge, and grow together. Our goal is to create a healthier world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Making lasting improvements isn’t simple, but we are committed to being part of the progress. This is why we introduce students to interprofessional collaboration early in their education. These experiences not only prepare them for cooperative work environments but also expose them to different perspectives—helping them develop creative solutions for the future.

True fairness begins with an open mind, paving the way for new opportunities. MCPHS is dedicated to removing barriers and developing future professionals who will provide compassionate care while improving healthcare systems to better serve individuals, groups, and society.