Protection from Discrimination and Harassment

In the accordion below, please find the University’s Protection from Discrimination and Harassment Policy. For discrimination and harassment that is of a sexual- or gender-based nature, please refer to the University’s Protection from Sexual Harassment (Title IX) Policy.

Obligation to Report Discrimination and Harassment. In order to take appropriate corrective action, the University must be aware of discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation that occurs in University employment, educational programs, and activities. Anyone who believes that they have experienced discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation shall immediately report such behavior. The following individuals have a duty to report whenever they witness, receive notification of, or otherwise have knowledge of an incident of discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation that occurred in the course of University employment, educational programs, or activities.

  • All University Officers;
  • All Deans, Department Chairs, and Program Directors;
  • The Title IX Coordinator;
  • All employees with supervisory authority;
  • All employees in Human Resources; and
  • All employees in Public Safety.

Where to Report. Allegations or complaints may be directed to Human Resources, Deans, Department Chairs, Program Directors, and designated University Officers. You can also use the online Bias, Discrimination and Harassment Form.

When to Report. All reports or complaints shall be made as promptly as possible after the occurrence