Bringing Real-World Learning to Life

Bicentennial Podcast
Strategic Collaboration

Bringing Real-World Learning to Life

People will always be the primary driving force in the health and life sciences. As technology continues to evolve and change the way we treat patients, it’s important that tomorrow’s healthcare leaders get the hands-on training they need to stay ahead.


Collaborations Unlock Opportunities

It’s equally important for students to get experience with and exposure to new healthcare delivery models. MCPHS continues to build collaborations with partners who embrace the latest trends and breakthroughs. If it will matter tomorrow, our students are learning about it today.

MCPHS has established one of the largest networks of clinical rotations in the country, allowing us to augment the training provided at our own in-house clinics and treatment centers. And it’s just a part of our ever-growing story. Each semester, our students are on site at many different hospitals and community-based clinics – from Boston Children’s Hospital to St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester to Southern New Hampshire Medical Center – learning from and contributing to healthcare teams while working with patients. They have a chance to interact with luminaries in their field, test out cutting-edge technology, and apply classroom knowledge, in addition to honing their collaboration and communication skills.
Milka Njoroge

MCPHS alum Milka Njoroge (right), PharmD ’06, founded a home healthcare organization in Worcester to meet a need in the community. Her organization is now a rotation site for the University.

We’re constantly establishing new connections across the United States and around the globe to expand opportunities for students to learn in a wide range of settings. For example, we’re partnering with a growing number of life sciences companies to offer hands-on training in biotechnology, biopharmaceuticals, and biomanufacturing that will prepare students for a job boom in these areas.

Barbara Macaulay, EdD | Associate Provost, Academic Innovation

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Real-world experiences can transform lives. They take some students to places that they hadn’t considered, revealing exciting career paths. Other students discover what they want by learning what they don’t want. Someone who’s studying to be a clinician today may end up being a medical research star down the road. It’s all part of the journey. The one thing we know for sure is that MCPHS will continue to provide students with the chance to explore.