Historic Founders & Futurists

Bicentennial Podcast

Founders & Futurists

Discover our healthcare visionaries and imagine the possibilities ahead as MCPHS celebrates its Bicentennial.

About Founders & Futurists

Historic Founders & Futurists

Meet some of the pioneering women and men who have made their mark on our institution—and on history. Members of our Community have worked to serve patients and society for two centuries. We’ll continue to add stories to this page, so check back for updates.

Students in an MCPHS lab.

Vision in Action

14 Change Agents Got It All Started

Our founders were apothecaries who dreamed of a better future for patients. Concerned about the quality of medicines being dispensed to the public, they gathered at the Marlborough Hotel in Boston in 1823 to discuss and address the problem.
Founders' Story

Vision in Action

Paving the Way for Women

The role of trailblazer has been embraced by the MCPHS Community since we first began 200 years ago. And no one reflects the spirit of positive change more than Agnes Wilbur, the first women to receive a degree from our institution.
Agnes' Story

Vision in Action

The Personification of Dedicated Service

George F. Archambault embodied visionary leadership. Deemed the “Father of Consultant Pharmacy,” he demonstrated a crucial role for pharmacists as advisors to doctors and healthcare teams.
George's Story
Rosemond Guinn

Vision in Action

Changing the Face of Pharmacy

The first African American woman to graduate from our institution, Rosamond A. Guinn proved that progress is all about pushing the limitations that hold us back. Her feat was particularly impressive considering it happened five years before women were allowed to vote and nearly 50 years before the Civil Rights Act was signed into law.
Rosamond's Story
Rosemond Guinn